Recent Reads

I’m constantly trying to learn more about myself, better myself (I know…I’m completely alone in this) and often find myself gravitating towards articles and blog posts that fit into one of two categories.

The first category being self helpish types with tips, lists, best practices, challenges, lessons, etc.  Yes that seems like a number of categories I grouped into one, but if any of you follow HuffPost Blog, The Muse, or any of the many sites that dole out seemingly endless advice, you know the type I’m talking about.

The second category is more self-reflective…learning about myself, my generation, our motivations, influences, why we make the decisions we do.

Anyway, I wanted to share a couple articles I’ve read lately that either coincide and support things I’ve already thought, or are helping me improve myself and achieve some goals.


My Quest to Banish Multitasking—and What Anyone Can Learn From It

I used to strive to perfect multitasking.  I thought it was one of the most important tools to productivity.  However, my scattered ADD brain (currently undiagnosed, but ugh…) is not organized enough to be very good at this.  I’m pretty sure that upon reading this article I audibly exhaled.  Now, I actively practice finishing one task before moving on to the next.  Sometimes it’s not possible, and today was not the best example of that, but I try.  I’m SO much more efficient in this way.


Let’s Play a Minimalism Game Together

As part of my goal to live a more minimalist life, this here is a quick and easy description of a challenging game that I will start on 1/1/15.


Rent, Stream, Experience

This article, written by Leslie Bradshaw, really hits home what I’ve observed personally and have been reading elsewhere about the desire for many people of my generation (I’ll call them ‘Millennials’ for the  sake of consistency, as much as I shudder at that term) to own less, to value experiences over possessions, and to redefine what the American Dream is all about. (i.e. I currently have no real goal to own a home, what was once a quintessential part of the American Dream)

So it turns out I’m bad at this

I don’t mean blogging…although that could be argued as well.  Consistency has never been my strong suit.

My whole minimalist living, decluttering deal has not exactly been a success thus far.  It might be faring better if I actually put time and effort into it, but, eh.  That would take time and effort.

Okay, but to be serious, my closet still looks like this:

I will not use the fact that I have a suuupertiny closet as an excuse for why it’s bustin out

I would like to say that I lack time, but the real answer is that I lack self discipline.  I need to force myself to make time for this project.  I need to schedule it on my calendar just like my runs and happy hours (yes…we’re not kidding ourselves, I would definitely put a good happy hour above this in the importance hierarchy).

Tomorrow progress WILL be made.  Probably not much, but some.  I have a plan…or I’m planning to have a plan.

Sorry, I know this is somewhat of a non-update update.  Now back to your regularly scheduled programming–which for me involves vodka and James Spader tonight.


A List…of Lists


First…a digression.  Analysis paralysis has struck again.  Why do I make writing words so hard?  I use words every day…we could argue that I’m using them now more than ever.

Okay, getting back on track.

I’m a list maker by nature.  I like making lists, looking at them, patting myself on the back for making them, feeling satisfied by accomplishing the making of the lists, then immediately ignoring them to binge watch OITNB (Disclaimer: I’ve actually been a horrible binge watcher of anything lately, but that’s another topic for another day).

Anyway, it’s been a roller coaster last few months.  Basically everything I alluded to, or outright said, in my last post has happened and I’m happily (YES! HAPPILY!) on the other side.  I am finally feeling centered and ready to focus on the future.  I’ve decided the best way to start is to make a list of lists….because what else would I do?  Hopefully these lists and the items contained within will help me find direction, purpose, satisfaction, serenity, and unicorns.

So here, friends,  I present you with my List of Lists (that I need to make…at some point):

  1. Long term and short term goals – Presumably the long-term goals should be ironed out before the short-term goals are set, but sometimes I go against the grain with this kind of thing.  That actually might explain a lot…
  2. Bucket List – I hate the term, feel free to suggest something pithier, but it’s what I’m going to call it for now.  This will most likely exist on Pinterest because Pinterest is my medium.
  3. Health and fitness goals – This could fall under either of the two above lists, but I like to keep my running torture separate from my other goals, so I will keep my subsequent fitness goals separate as well.  Or maybe one day I’ll make all of my goal lists into a Venn Diagram.  Won’t that be exciting?
  4. Things to purchase to make my life easier/more enjoyable – Otherwise known as my Amazon Wish List
  5. DIY projects – I often get ideas when wandering around my apartment or while doing my daily glazed-eyed scroll of ApartmentTherapy.  But these ideas enter my head, sometimes never to be seen from again.
  6. Networking goals – God am I horrible at networking, yet at the same time, not as horrible as I used to be.  Part of the reason I am involved with Tech Cocktail is to network, but I rarely make the most of it.  Oh, and this could also be filed under some of the above goal-related lists as well.  It may also make an appearance in the Venn Diagram.

We will leave it at these for now, so as to mitigate risk of overwhelming myself.  I’m sure I’ll think of more, but I think I have enough to work with for now.

So now onward and upward…or something.


Networking, Startup-ing, and Growing (aka I Have Career ADD)

Wednesday night I participated in an activity that used to drive me crazy with anxiety–networking. It’s still pretty far down on my list of favorite activities, and I’m admittedly not very good at it, but as I’ve evolved and grown as a person, my interests have evolved as well and I have learned the benefits of working at something that has always been a struggle for me.  I’ve learned to embrace it as a challenge.  Sure, we’ll call it that.

After my networking time….where I actually talked to TWO whole people who I had never met before(!!!)…it was time to listen to two very successful entrepreneurs talk about how they built their super successful businesses.  This was the part where I got to let my introvert self loose and sit back and listen.

It was actually the first Tech Cocktail event that I had ever attended solo.  It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but I thin k I held my own pretty well (the wine definitely helped with that part).  What I’m about to admit is totally lame, but the sense of independence and confidence that slowly crept out of me as the night wore on (now we’ll pretend it was all me and NOT the wine) was something I had not experienced in a long time.  This is not to say that I’m becoming an extrovert*, but I had this sense of self…who I am…that I’ve rarely been comfortable showing before.

Ok, I’m done with the “Dear Diary” segment…almost.  I have to admit–I’m feeling optimistic about my future and less scared about working towards a major career change.  I have new faith and confidence in my abilities, creativity, and ambition.  I think that as long as I keep working in the right direction and interacting with the right people I could one day get paid for a passion–a career that I create–and not for showing up at 9 and leaving at 5.

*Future research: Is it even possible for one to transform from being an introvert to an extrovert?

A Girl Can Dream…and Plan for those Dreams

I tend to be somewhat sporadic and impulsive with my goals and aspirations, whether they be short-term or long-term. While the general themes remain the same, the specific wants change frequently. That makes my almost year long obsession with my most recent goal even more noteworthy.

I want to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. Seriously. The dream hit me like a mac truck about a year ago and has barely weaned since. I quickly discovered the world of online thru-hiker journals, trail guides, gear lists and REI memberships. I’ve been immersed in reading and planning to plan.

I’ve always been moderately outdoorsy and have become even more so in the last few years. I love love love hiking, especially by myself. I love the challenge of a good hilly rock scramble and the reward of the view at the top (even if they include a power plant or two). I will never love sweating but I am learning to tolerate it and prepare myself better for less than ideal weather conditions.

So as far as my actual plans for this thru-hike, the main thing holding me back is money. It always comes back to the Benjamins… I had a dream to begin my thru on March 5, 2014, my 31st birthday, but there’s no way I’ll have enough money saved to forego having an income for 6 months. So as much as I think 2014 would be the ideal year to undertake this trek, I just don’t see it being financially feasible. Womp womp.

I’m not completely giving up on a 2014 thru, but if I’m going to make it happen I need to seriously get my ass in gear and consider some alternate forms of funding.

Let the brainstorming begin. Any thoughts on the matter would be very much appreciated :).