Recent Reads

I’m constantly trying to learn more about myself, better myself (I know…I’m completely alone in this) and often find myself gravitating towards articles and blog posts that fit into one of two categories.

The first category being self helpish types with tips, lists, best practices, challenges, lessons, etc.  Yes that seems like a number of categories I grouped into one, but if any of you follow HuffPost Blog, The Muse, or any of the many sites that dole out seemingly endless advice, you know the type I’m talking about.

The second category is more self-reflective…learning about myself, my generation, our motivations, influences, why we make the decisions we do.

Anyway, I wanted to share a couple articles I’ve read lately that either coincide and support things I’ve already thought, or are helping me improve myself and achieve some goals.


My Quest to Banish Multitasking—and What Anyone Can Learn From It

I used to strive to perfect multitasking.  I thought it was one of the most important tools to productivity.  However, my scattered ADD brain (currently undiagnosed, but ugh…) is not organized enough to be very good at this.  I’m pretty sure that upon reading this article I audibly exhaled.  Now, I actively practice finishing one task before moving on to the next.  Sometimes it’s not possible, and today was not the best example of that, but I try.  I’m SO much more efficient in this way.


Let’s Play a Minimalism Game Together

As part of my goal to live a more minimalist life, this here is a quick and easy description of a challenging game that I will start on 1/1/15.


Rent, Stream, Experience

This article, written by Leslie Bradshaw, really hits home what I’ve observed personally and have been reading elsewhere about the desire for many people of my generation (I’ll call them ‘Millennials’ for the  sake of consistency, as much as I shudder at that term) to own less, to value experiences over possessions, and to redefine what the American Dream is all about. (i.e. I currently have no real goal to own a home, what was once a quintessential part of the American Dream)

She’s Crafty

I have a fear — ok, let’s be honest, it’s actually a hope — that this blog may turn into a DIY blog of sorts.  I think it kind of goes along with my budgeting/money saving theme.  I’ve finally been motivated and inspired to start DOING some of the projects I’ve been merely thinking about for months…even years.  I mean, take one look at my Pinterest and you’d think I was a DIY maven, but at the moment, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I love the idea of being a self-sufficient crafter/builder/candlestick maker, but I’m not.   It’s not for any lack of interest or skill, it’s because I have a thousand excuses.  Let’s take a minute to dissect them.

1. I don’t have the time  – This is an outright lie.  If I have enough time to watch 3hrs of Downton Abbey, I have enough time to repaint an end table

2. I can’t afford the tools and equipment necessary to make/build/create whatever it is  – Ok, sometimes this is true, but I need to think of these tools as investments.  I only have to buy them once and they’ll save me tons of money in the long run.

3. I’m afraid that my project won’t turn out to my standards – Let’s face it, my standards aren’t that high, and if I do mess up, I can learn from the experience and appreciate the imperfections (easier said than done).

4.  It’s too hard.  I just can’t do it.  – What?  Yeah, I’m cringing as I write this, but I do use it as an excuse all too often. Is it too cliche to say “you won’t know unless you try”.  

I could go on, but I’ll stop here.  I’m good at talking myself out of things, and this is just another example.  I’d love a  beautiful, comfortable, unique,  home.  I’m a naturally creative person.  I spend hours reading DIY blogs.  I see inspiration everywhere, it’s just the execution that is my downfall.

For once I actually have a plan. I have a list of projects I’d like to accomplish.  My goal is to finish one per week.  I will definitely update here to keep myself accountable (but no worries, I will continue to post about other unrelated topics as well).  Oh, and there will be pictures….lots and lots of pictures.

Ok, I’ve psyched myself up.  I’m excited and motivated.  Let’s do this!