A Girl Can Dream…and Plan for those Dreams

I tend to be somewhat sporadic and impulsive with my goals and aspirations, whether they be short-term or long-term. While the general themes remain the same, the specific wants change frequently. That makes my almost year long obsession with my most recent goal even more noteworthy.

I want to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. Seriously. The dream hit me like a mac truck about a year ago and has barely weaned since. I quickly discovered the world of online thru-hiker journals, trail guides, gear lists and REI memberships. I’ve been immersed in reading and planning to plan.

I’ve always been moderately outdoorsy and have become even more so in the last few years. I love love love hiking, especially by myself. I love the challenge of a good hilly rock scramble and the reward of the view at the top (even if they include a power plant or two). I will never love sweating but I am learning to tolerate it and prepare myself better for less than ideal weather conditions.

So as far as my actual plans for this thru-hike, the main thing holding me back is money. It always comes back to the Benjamins… I had a dream to begin my thru on March 5, 2014, my 31st birthday, but there’s no way I’ll have enough money saved to forego having an income for 6 months. So as much as I think 2014 would be the ideal year to undertake this trek, I just don’t see it being financially feasible. Womp womp.

I’m not completely giving up on a 2014 thru, but if I’m going to make it happen I need to seriously get my ass in gear and consider some alternate forms of funding.

Let the brainstorming begin. Any thoughts on the matter would be very much appreciated :).