Networking, Startup-ing, and Growing (aka I Have Career ADD)

Wednesday night I participated in an activity that used to drive me crazy with anxiety–networking. It’s still pretty far down on my list of favorite activities, and I’m admittedly not very good at it, but as I’ve evolved and grown as a person, my interests have evolved as well and I have learned the benefits of working at something that has always been a struggle for me.  I’ve learned to embrace it as a challenge.  Sure, we’ll call it that.

After my networking time….where I actually talked to TWO whole people who I had never met before(!!!)…it was time to listen to two very successful entrepreneurs talk about how they built their super successful businesses.  This was the part where I got to let my introvert self loose and sit back and listen.

It was actually the first Tech Cocktail event that I had ever attended solo.  It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but I thin k I held my own pretty well (the wine definitely helped with that part).  What I’m about to admit is totally lame, but the sense of independence and confidence that slowly crept out of me as the night wore on (now we’ll pretend it was all me and NOT the wine) was something I had not experienced in a long time.  This is not to say that I’m becoming an extrovert*, but I had this sense of self…who I am…that I’ve rarely been comfortable showing before.

Ok, I’m done with the “Dear Diary” segment…almost.  I have to admit–I’m feeling optimistic about my future and less scared about working towards a major career change.  I have new faith and confidence in my abilities, creativity, and ambition.  I think that as long as I keep working in the right direction and interacting with the right people I could one day get paid for a passion–a career that I create–and not for showing up at 9 and leaving at 5.

*Future research: Is it even possible for one to transform from being an introvert to an extrovert?