So it turns out I’m bad at this

I don’t mean blogging…although that could be argued as well.  Consistency has never been my strong suit.

My whole minimalist living, decluttering deal has not exactly been a success thus far.  It might be faring better if I actually put time and effort into it, but, eh.  That would take time and effort.

Okay, but to be serious, my closet still looks like this:

I will not use the fact that I have a suuupertiny closet as an excuse for why it’s bustin out

I would like to say that I lack time, but the real answer is that I lack self discipline.  I need to force myself to make time for this project.  I need to schedule it on my calendar just like my runs and happy hours (yes…we’re not kidding ourselves, I would definitely put a good happy hour above this in the importance hierarchy).

Tomorrow progress WILL be made.  Probably not much, but some.  I have a plan…or I’m planning to have a plan.

Sorry, I know this is somewhat of a non-update update.  Now back to your regularly scheduled programming–which for me involves vodka and James Spader tonight.